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Mar 31, 2015

Hot Dogs

Eye luv going to da Dodger games and eating sum good Dodgerdogs!
Eye like to put ketchup on me dogs butt nothing else.

Mar 29, 2015

Beauty and the Beast

Eye know Iv'e been in a lot of movies butt yu have to have seen this one.
Yu know the old saying: "The massivest Koala bear always gets the princess"

Mar 28, 2015


Unless yu be livin under a rock u have seen me and me teem killing ever1.
The Kentuky Wildkoalas ar going all the way to the championship. 

Mar 27, 2015


If yu get really lucky and ar flying Australia Airlinez soon...
Yu might get me as your pilot!
Eye am a very good pilot even though I do'nt know how plains work.

Mar 26, 2015

Farmers Only

Eye finaly found my sole mate on FarmersOnly.Com!
Eye had originally been on JDate and BlackPeopleMeet butt nun worked like this one!

Eiffel Tower

Shout out too all me koala freinds in France!
Eye took this foto whilst eye waz in France last year.

Mar 25, 2015

Western Wall

Dis waz me at da very wholy Western Wall in Jerusalem.
My card in da wall pray'd for worldly peace and more Eukalyptus Trees!

Mar 24, 2015

Yasiel Puig

Dey call me da Cuban Missle becuze eye hit bombs out of da park!
Also eye hav requested a trade to da Cubs so Koala Puig will be joining them shortly!

Mar 23, 2015

30 Rock

Good god do eye miss me dayz on 30 rock! Tina was da bey!
Also eye hav to admitt dat dis image is photoshopped and eye wazn't originally there.

Mar 22, 2015

Tiny Koala

Eye wish eye was still this cute and tiny.
Eye waz smalller then da palm of youre hand!

Mar 20, 2015

Sam Smith

Please come and suport me at me concert on Maye 10!
Eye hav been comparisoned to Sam Smith. Butt eye know eye am way better!

Mar 19, 2015

The Tourney

The tourney is finaly heer! Eye am so pumped for dis year.
Eye hav Arizona winnning the crown. Who do u have?

Mar 18, 2015

Hand of God

Evidence dat da kowala bear waz created in da image og Godd.
God favours none butt da kowala bear. Butt who does'nt favour kowalas?

Mar 17, 2015


Eye forgot too selebrate Purim with all me followers! It iz a grate holiday!
Yu get to dress up and eat sum yummy Hamantashcen cookies!
What haz been your favorit post of mine's so far?

Mar 16, 2015


Me and me bae Rose on da Titanic boat. And yes eye know what yu are all thinking...
Dis does meen dat me and Talyor Swift are no longer together and eye will be getting a song soon!

Mar 14, 2015

Taken 3

Liam Neeson dicided he did knot want to be in Taken 3 anymore becuz he thinks the plot iz stupid.
Fortuneately, eye waz available to film and eye have stepped in for him.
While i do find the plot repetitiv and pointles, the producers payed me a lot!

Mar 13, 2015

Taylor Swift's Boyfreind

Yes da rumorings ar telling da truth. Me, da Kosher Koala, iz dating T-Swizzle.
Butt too be honest too me viewers, eye am only doing this so she write a song about me.
Also eye dont really like contry music dat much...

Mar 12, 2015


If yu hav not had some latkes yu must eat dem now!
Dey are me fav jewish food dat eye eat. Dey taste like a combo of happyness and tastiness.

Mar 11, 2015

Pumping Iron

It iz vary important dat a kowala bear works out every day.
Even with hard werk and dedication, yu will never bee as strong as me!

Mar 10, 2015

Speed Kills

Yu know what dey say? Speed kills! And thats me runing for me contry, USA.
Mr. Lightning Bolt beet me this one time butt eye will get me revenge.

Mar 9, 2015

Boston Strong

Eye waz soo excited when the Red Socks hit da home run in da World Series.
And then dis photo of me went viral! Before this picture, eye waz just youre average kola cop.

Yearbook Picture

Throw back Thursday to me seven grade yeer book pictures!
It wazz a bad hair day. Eye am da one on the bottom left.

Mar 8, 2015


Eye luv me new Lamborghini! It reaches 1000 mph and can fly!
Eye waz hoping for a pink one butt yellow will have too due. 

College Football

Boy do eye miss me college footbal days at da Unniversity of Michigann.
Yu may remember me Heismen campaign way bak in 1991. 

Dey called me da Kosher King of Saturday and the Kosher Buckeye killer!

Koala in Space

Da Kosher Koala waz da first kowala bear on da moon since 1969!
Me and me friends claimed da land for me country da Kosher Koala Blog.

Mar 7, 2015

Mar 6, 2015


Dis waz me in me debut on da big screen back in 2008!
KoWall-E waz so grate. I met me bestest friend in da world, EEEEEVA. 

Mar 5, 2015

Hero Koala

Sum peoples ar calling me a hero for saving dis mans life.
Butt eye waz just doing wat any other kowala bear woulda done.

Best Soccer Player in the World

Bestest day of me life! Eye won da best player in da world award!
Eye beat Messi and Ronaldo and Jimmy! GOAL! 

Mar 4, 2015

Llamas on the Loose

Yu may have seen me friend, da black llama, and me on da news recently.
Dey thought they had us butt we got out. Gurl in pink was'nt even trying.

Mar 3, 2015


Happy burthday to me older Sisster Ko! Or in Hebrew: Yom hu'ledet sameach!
She is verry old, she be a hole 17 years old!


Eye cannot beleeve eye made da ESPN main page!
Don't forget to watch tonite at 7 as eye climb Mount Koalamanjaro!

Mar 1, 2015

Koala Fishing

Eye had a amzzing tyme fishing with me buddys on da beach yesterdaye.
We even realed in dis 100 lb bad boy!