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May 31, 2015

Leave Suggestion Please

Deer Koala Blog Folllowers,
Me haz finalz today and noo tyme for coming up with funny ideas. Pleeze comment ideas for me too do! Eye will be back posting in a couple of dayz!
Kosher Koala


Goal, Goal, Goal, GOOOAAAALLLLLL! 4-0 me team Arsenal wins da Finals!
Az me mentioned in me previous post, koalas ar vastly superior goal scorers than humans!

Koalas playing soccer are da best kinf of koala bears!

Iggy Azalea

Oh no deer god tell me aint true! Me bestie Iggy haz cancelled her North America tour :(
Me and Iggy ar like two peas in a pod or two koala bears in a tree. Very good besties forever.

May 30, 2015


2Night iz Game 7 and me iz gonna be sitting in da front row! #blackhawks
Me luvs da Blackhawks and koalas playing hockey ar so good it tis insane.

May 29, 2015


Me had soo much fun in Argentina rooting for Messi with all da crazy fĂștbol fans!
Did yu know dat a koala playing soccer iz better than Messi?! Shoutout to me Argentina subscriber!

May 28, 2015


Little dad you guyz know butt me iz an amazing pro sailer number one in da world.
Me sails soooo fast and for so long it tis amazing. Koalas have great endurance. 

May 27, 2015

Koala Eating Apple

Doctor Koala here too tell y'all dat eating one apple a day and one cupcake a day will...
Do absolutely nothing unless you does a bunch of other stuff. Koalas love apples and cupcakes!

May 26, 2015

Kosher Ninja

Oh me god American Ninja Warrior iz back and better than ever becuz i am on it!
Me waz on da Venice Qualifier and beat da course! Koalas = Ninjas 

May 25, 2015

Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day and thank you to all who served!
"All gave some, some gave all"

Kosher TV

Today iz Monday and dat means dat it iz #ManCrushMonday. Mine iz David Letterman.
He iz a vary funny dude and he even keeps me bobblehead on hiz desk! Luv u Davy!

May 24, 2015

Jewish Baseball

Oh me guhd Anthony Rizzo iz soooo good! Game winning HOMERUN for Da Cubs last night!
Eye waz so lucky too be sitting front row! Me luvs da Cubs and koalas playing baseball.

May 23, 2015

James Harden Koala Playing Basketball

Me haz a big game today for da Rockets versus me pal Steph Curry of the Warriors!
Yu may know me better az James Harden but behind da beard iz a koala!
Eye bet yu never seen a koala playing basketball az well az i do.

May 22, 2015

American Koala

Eye realized dat eye haz been giving all me luv to other countries and not America!
Here iz me showing how much me luvs USA. USA = Freedom = Koala Blogs!

May 21, 2015

The Flash Koala

Just another day in da life of me, Da Flash, catching da bad guys and all.
Dis buddy here robbed a bank so eye had too arrest him. His mom will not be proud.

May 19, 2015

Kosher Australia

Today da Kosher Koala Blog is taking over #Australia land of da koalas.
Eye luv Australia becuz it tis so nice to koala bears like me supports me blog!

May 18, 2015

Koala Singing

Check out da latest Bad Blood Music video with me and me bestie T-Swizzle!
Taylor Swift and me ar ready to go too war with all other animal blogs!
The Kosher Koala Blog and T-Swizzle ar a unstoppable one-two punch.

May 17, 2015

German Koala

I luv me Kosher Koala Blog subscriber in Germany! Eye luv yu!
German koalas ar great and thank yu so much for subscribing! Please leeve me a comment!

May 16, 2015

Koala Playing Basketball

Me and me freinds Cliff Paul and Blake Griffin nead to win today!
Game 7, dis iz what koalas live for! Expect a quadruple-double frum yours truly.

May 15, 2015

Koala Blog

Me with Olivia Munn hosting da annual Kosher Koala Blog show!
Factoid: Koala blogs are da reason humans came into existance.

May 14, 2015

Pitch Perfect 2

Eye had me su much fun filming Pitch Perfect 2 with me gal pals.
Koalas ar secretly amazing singers (we iz all amazing at everything butt we ar very modest)!

May 11, 2015

Koala Bear

Did yu know dat koala bears ar not actually bears at all?! Now yu do!
Otherwize we would all look lik dis guy. Dis koala bear luvs himself sum good challah bread.

May 10, 2015

Mama Koala

Eye luv me mama sooooo much! Happy Mothers Day! Me mama > Your mama .
Mama koala bears ar da best becuz  there koalas and koalas are da best!

May 9, 2015

Derrick Rose

Da Bulls Win! Derrick Rose iz me idol and he iz grater than Lebron and Kobe combined!
What a shot! Look how stunned eye waz on da right.Complete disbelief! #GoBulls #SeeRed #kosherkoala

May 8, 2015

Justin Bieber

Tank yu so much to me freind #JustinBieber four supporting me at me fight recently!
He alwayz supports me with T-shirt like dis one write here!
Also he introduced me too dis funny video game video on da Youtube!

May 7, 2015

Harrison Ford

Today eye got da privilege to meet da man, da legend, da #IndianaJones Harrison Ford!
Did yu know he iz a Kosher Koala Blog enthusiast? He luvs koalas! #kosherkoala

May 6, 2015

Koala Hockey

#WBW Too when me and me bestest pal Jonathon Toews and me had a photoshoot!
Thanks to me inspiration, Toews and da Blackhawwks are gonna win it all!

May 5, 2015

Cinco De Mayo

Happy #CincoDeMayo me freinds and random foreign viewers (Hola Spain y Mexico!).
Eye hav been practicing me Spanish for quite sum time now so hear iz some Spanish!
Hola! Yo quiero celebrar Cinco de Mayo con todos mis espectadores! Me encanto todos mis espectadores!

May 4, 2015

Koala Star Wars

May the Fourth Be With Yu on dis fine May 4th Monday! #starwars
Eye once played Darth Vader on Star Wars. Dat iz me behind da mask and with da claws!
Eye still has'nt seen all da movies butt their iz a new one coming soon! #kosherkoala

May 3, 2015

Koala Baby

Me sources have confirmed dat da new #RoyalBaby is a koala!
Welcome to da Koala Family!!!!!

May 2, 2015

Koala Boxer

It iz finally hear!! #maypac Mayweather vs. Pacquiao is right now!!!
Butt first lets remember when da Kosehr Koala neerly beat Mayweather last year in a heated battle.

May 1, 2015

The Avengers

Come check me out in me movie da #Avengers 2knight!!!
Eye play da Iron Koala (bester known as Iron Man). Thor iz a beast!